
KeenTalks Is a Curated Collection of Talks and Lectures on YouTube [Webapps]

KeenTalks Is a Curated Collection of Talks and Lectures on YouTubeIf you enjoy the presentations on TED Talks you may also enjoy Keen Talks, a webapp that takes thousands of lectures, presentations, and debates on various topics sorted for easy browsing and without many of the distractions normally found on YouTube.

The webapp sports a clean design with one panel of advertisements on the side. I like that you can browse by speaker, topic, category, and year of release. Since it seems much of history since the beginning of audio and video recording has made it to YouTube I hope this webapp keeps fleshing out content and truly lives up to its potential. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of quality content out there now, but when you consider how many speeches, lectures, and presentations could be contained on YouTube it boggles the mind.

Keen Talks | via Make Use Of

via Lifehacker http://lifehacker.com/5937871/keentalks-is-a-curated-collection-of-talks-and-lectures-on-youtube

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