
What Are a Homeowner's Must-Do Tasks Before Winter Hits?

What Are a Homeowner's Must-Do Tasks Before Winter Hits?Winter is coming, and with it come the hazards of the cold: busted pipes, frozen gas caps, and mice in the attic. The DIY experts at Stack Exchange provide tips on preventing winter's worries before the weather hits.

Illustration by Sean Gallagher.


I've had my furnace serviced in time for winter, but what other things should I consider doing before the snow and the ice come?

Originally asked by Jeff Yates

Answer: Test the Snowblower

Take the snowblower out of storage. Put a little bit of gas in and make sure that it starts.

No sense in trying to diagnose a small engine problem in the freezing cold (if you can help it).

Answered by James Van Huis

Answer: Drain Hoses & Cover Faucets

Drain all your garden hoses and insulate external faucets with these.

Answered by Doresoom

Answer: Check Your Car

Give your car a once over:

1. Check fluid levels (oil, coolant, brake, steering, transmission)

2. Make sure you top up the washer fluid

3. Check the tires

- Check tire pressure, and adjust as necessary

- Check the treads. If you insert a penny in the tread, and can see the top of Lincoln's head, then you are due for new tires.

- Double check your spare is in good shape, and is properly inflated

4. Check the battery. If you have any indications that the battery is weak, it will only get worse when the cold hits. If your battery is older than about 5 years, you likely need a replacement.

Pack a winter emergency kit for the trunk

- Blanket/boots/gloves/hand warmer packs

- Collapsible shovel

- Salt/Sand/Kitty litter

- Flashlight

- Snowbrush/Ice scraper

Answered by James Van Huis

Answer: A Short Checklist

- Clean your gutters

- Make sure your chimney is clean

- Install storm windows

- Empty the gas from your mower

- Reverse ceiling fans

Answered by Steve Jackson

Answer: Mousetraps

Place mousetraps in the rafters of the garage. (I hate to do it, but this is when rodents are looking to move into someplace warm.)

Answered by woodchips (see woodchip's full answer here)

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via Lifehacker http://lifehacker.com/5953225/what-are-a-homeowners-must+do-tasks-before-winter-hits

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