
Træg opp-ned-banan-kake

From Food Network Kitchens
Har oversatt det viktigste...
Å kaka ble kjempego:-)
Neste gang tror jeg jeg bytter ut litt av det brune sukkeret med hvitt, og evt prøver med epler istede for banan. For det ble litt søtt:-)
Men det er en stor ulempe med slow cooking, og det er at den sprer liflige dufter i timesvis. Så om du er hjemme mens ting småputrer, så går du rundt og er småsulten...
Ove B-)
Prep Time:
10 min
Inactive Prep Time:
Cook Time:
3 hr 30 min
6 to 8 servings



  • 5 ss smør, i små biter
  • 150 gr brunt sukker
  • 3 ss mørk rum
  • 1 kg modne medium bananer (ca 6), skrellet og delt i to på langs


  • 85 gr hvetemel
  • 3/4 ts bakepulver baking powder
  • 1⁄2 ts kanel
  • 1⁄4 ts muskatnøtt
  • 1⁄4 ts salt
  • 60 gr mykt smør
  • 75 gr sukker
  • 1 stort egg
  • 1 eggeplomme
  • 2 ss melk
  • Is for servering


Bananas: Butter the inside of a slow cooker, line completely with foil, and then butter the foil. Turn on to HIGH. Sprinkle butter, brown sugar and rum over the foil on the bottom of the slow cooker. Cover the bottom with the banana halves, cut side down, in a slightly overlapping pattern. Press the bananas into the sugar
Cake: Sift the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt into a large bowl; then whisk to combine evenly.
In another bowl, slowly beat the butter and sugar with an electric mixer until just blended. Raise the speed to high and beat until light and fluffy, scraping the sides of the bowl occasionally, about 10 minutes. Beat in the egg and then the yolk, allowing each to be fully incorporated before adding the next.
While mixing slowly, add the flour mixture to the butter in 3 parts, alternating with the milk in 2 parts, beginning and ending with the flour. Mix briefly at medium speed to make a smooth batter.
Pour the batter over the bananas and smooth with a spatula to even it out. Lay a doubled length of paper towel from end to end over the top of the slow cooker, to line the lid and create a tighter seal. (See note.) Cover the cake tightly with the lid and continue to cook on HIGH, until the cake begins to brown slightly on the sides and springs back when touched in the middle, about 3 1/2 hours. Turn off the slow cooker and let the cake set, about 20 minutes more.
Using the foil, lift the cake from the slow cooker; set on the counter to cool, about 30 minutes more. Fold back the foil, and carefully invert cake onto a platter so you can see the caramelized bananas.
Slice or spoon cake into bowls and serve with ice cream, if desired.
Cook's Note: Slow cookers cook with moist heat. The paper towel helps to collect additional condensation from dripping off the lid back onto the cake.


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Henger meg på "pirates cut" og shampoo reklamen.
"Jeg forventer effektivitet" .... "fordi jeg fortjener det" :-)

Pulp Fiction har jeg hatt liggende i kronologisk rekkefølge i evigheter, uten og ha tatt meg tid til å se den.

Får vel hive meg rundt å ta en titt:-)

Ove B-)


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Saying 'what kind of an idiot doesn't know about the Yellowstone supervolcano' is so much more boring than telling someone about the Yellowstone supervolcano for the first time.
Nesten litt dyp denne gangen xkcd... Får prøve og lære meg og sette pris på andres uvitenhet:-)

Ove B-)

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Så sant så sant!

Ingen plass for sauer, så frem du ikke er svart eller rosa...

Ove B-)

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Stemmer vel ikke helt. En på talestolen vil vel neppe holde seg til 140 tegn:-)

Ove B-)

Min nye jobb: Oreos-kjeks-knuser

Fortjenesten på og kjøpe Oreoskjeks, knuse den og selge den som strø til is er på hele 280% :-)

Så det kan bli en bra sommerjobb:-)

Ove B-)



it could be worse

it could be worse

Haha, må vel betegnes som voksen når jeg finner slike morsomme:-)

Ove B-)